Get Credentialed & Enrolled 2X Faster and Easier

OBGYNBillPro is a top-rated credentialled and provider enrollment service provider specializing in OBGYN practices. We help OBGYNs get credentialed 2X faster than any other medical credentialing companies. Credentialing is a complex process that requires extensive documentation and verification at multiple stages. A single mistake not only delays the process but also results in detail. We help get credentialed and enrolled in a record time and ensure it has been done right for the first time, guaranteeing timely and accurate reimbursements. Whether it is new credentialing, re-credentialing, re-validation, or contract negotiations, we have got you covered.

Completing Applications

We complete all paperwork and applications, making sure they are submitted correctly the first time, saving considerable time.

CAQH File Maintenance

We complete the initial CAQ credentialing profile, and once a profile is completed, we help with ongoing management.


We ensure re-credentialing, re-enrollments, and continuous monitoring to handle requests and timely re-submissions.

Struggling to bill with your EHR?

At OBGYN Billing we know the features and workarounds of your EHR system. All our RCM tools are integrated with the system you use.

Why Choose OBGYNBillPro

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, that's no problem. Schedule a demo, and we'll work to answer your question.

How does OBGYN BillPro simplify OB-GYN credentialing services?
OBGYN BillPro streamlines the credentialing process by handling all aspects of verification, including primary source verification, background checks, and documentation. Our dedicated team ensures timely and accurate completion, reducing delays and administrative burdens so you can focus on patient care.
What is the difference between a gynaecologist and an OB/GYN?
A gynaecologist specializes in women's reproductive health, focusing on issues like menstrual problems, contraception, and menopause. An OB/GYN is a doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynaecology, providing care for women's reproductive health and managing pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.
What are the key benefits of utilizing OBGYN BillPro's OB/GYN Credentialing Services?
OBGYN BillPro streamlines the credentialing process with specialized expertise, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Our efficient service reduces administrative burdens and delays and provides continuous, reliable support for re-credentialing, allowing healthcare providers to focus on patient care.
Do you assist with Re-Credentialing?
Yes, we provide ongoing support for re-credentialing to ensure OB/GYNs maintain compliance with current standards and regulatory requirements.

Seeing in believing. Request a product demo.